The Big Things from 2014

The past year has been one life event after another. New job, new town, new school.


Moving is a pain and it’s usually the small stuff that drives you crazy. Not knowing how the grocery store is laid out makes that 5 minute shopping trip into a 20 minutes. Trying to find a new hair salon can lead to tears and ball caps. Neither is a good look for me.

Like everyone else, I’ve spent some time this week reflecting on 2014 and here’s a quick rundown on some of the BIG things I’ve learned.

  • Want to know who your real friends are? They’re the ones who will drop everything to get you moved before the Polar Vortex freezes the door to the U-Haul shut. No, these may not be the friends you have lunch with each week or even each month. But these are the friends who recognize the sound of desperation in your voice in the first 10 seconds of the call. These are the friends who are in for the long haul. (see what I did there?)
  • Kids really are resilient. Starting a new school is tough. Making new friends is tough. But kids, for the most part, handle it better than us. Or maybe just me. Always amazed at how my daughter seems to take changes and simply incorporate them into her new normal.
  • When the parents are fulfilled with their day job family life is like a dream. Work related stress levels dropped this year and our family is the better for it. Way. Way. Better.
  • Live in your new city like a tourist. Shopping malls are pretty much the same everywhere so get out and explore the neighborhoods, parks local eateries. Some of our best days have been spent doing this. Be forewarned that this can lead to moments of “D’oh! Why didn’t we move to this neighborhood?”
  • Not all school districts and schools are alike. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that all gifted programs aren’t all alike. Do your homework, talk to everyone, visit schools, and compare scores. Be prepared for it to still not to work out. I think 2015 may be a bumpy ride. Bring it on!

Still searching for a miracle worker (hair dresser). Maybe next year.